The packages/playground provides e2e testing feature. We use playwright as the e2e testing framework.


The entry point of a test case is a file ending with .test.ts, and the parent directory of this file is the project directory.

Here are some rules about test cases:

  • The project directory must contain rspack.config.js to start the dev server.
  • The project directory can contain multi *.test.ts.
  • All test cases share dependencies, so just add dependencies in packages/playground/package.json.
  • The cases folder should contain the category folders and then is the project folders. In principle, there should be no third-level directory.


The fixtures is a feature of playwright, in short it provides a variable that is generated in before{Each|All} and destroyed in after{Each|All}. More information see test-fixtures

Here are some rules when defining a new fixture:

  • Private fixtures should start with _ and are used only in the current file.
  • A file only provides fixtures with the same name.
  • A file can only provide one option and starts with default
  • Register fixtures in fixtures/index.ts and export only necessary variables and types.

Here are some existing fixtures:


This fixture will generate test environment, and calculate the PathInfo.

type PathInfo = {
    // test file path
    testFile: string;
    // project dir
    testProjectDir: string
    // temporary project directory to be copied into
    tempProjectDir: string


This fixture will start the rspack dev server and provide some useful methods.

type Rspack = {
    // rspack running project directory
    projectDir: string
    // rspack compiler
    compiler: Compiler
    // rspack dev server
    devServer: DevServer
    // waiting for rspack build finish
    waitingForBuild: () => Promise<void>
    // waiting for hmr finish, the poll function is used to check
    waitingForHmr: (poll: () => Promise<boolean>) => Promise<void>


This fixture will provide file change operations.

type fileAction = {
    updateFile(relativePath: string, fn: (content: string) => string): void
    deleteFile(relativePath: string): void

How it works

  • playwright scan all test case and allocates a worker to run each case.
  • pathInfo copy the project directory corresponding to the current case to temp/${worker_index}.
  • rspack rewrite dev server port to 8000 + worker_index and start compiler and dev server in temp/${worker_index}.
  • run current tests.
  • rspack close dev server and compiler.
  • pathInfo clear temp/${worker_index}