
Debugging with VSCode

  1. Install go install
  2. Install VSCode extension rust-analyzer and CodeLLDB
  3. build @rspack/cli and napi binding by run pnpm install && pnpm -w build:cli:debug
  4. In VSCode's Run and Debug tab, select debug-rspack to start debugging the initial launch of @rspack/cli. This task can be configured in .vscode/launch.json, which launches the Node and Rust debugger together.


tracing is used to instrumenting Rspack.

The supported tracing levels for

  • release builds are INFO, WARN and ERROR
  • debug builds are TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN and ERROR

Use the RSPACK_PROFILE environment variable for displaying trace information

RSPACK_PROFILE=TRACE=layer=logger rspack build
# filter for an event
RSPACK_PROFILE='TRACE=layer=logger&filter=rspack_core::compiler::compilation' rspack build
# with logger level
RSPACK_PROFILE='TRACE=layer=logger&filter=rspack_core::compiler::compilation=info' rspack build
# filter logs across multiple modules
RSPACK_PROFILE='TRACE=layer=logger&filter=rspack_core::compiler::compilation,rspack_core::build_chunk_graph::code_splitter' rspack build
# [fn_name] will show: 
# - all functions calls to `fn_name`
# - the arguments(except for these in the `skip` list)
# - everything until this function returns
RSPACK_PROFILE='TRACE=layer=logger&filter=[build_chunk_graph]' rspack build
# compilation::chunk_asset is a custom instrument name
RSPACK_PROFILE='TRACE=layer=logger&filter=[compilation:chunk_asset]' rspack build
# log a specific function by their arguments
RSPACK_PROFILE='TRACE=layer=logger&filter=[compilation:chunk_asset{filename="main\.js"}]' rspack build
# It support regexp expression
RSPACK_PROFILE='TRACE=layer=logger&filter=[compilation:chunk_asset{filename=".*\.js"}]' rspack build
# disable ansi color escape codes
NO_COLOR=1 RSPACK_PROFILE=TRACE=layer=logger rspack build


oxc_resolver emits some tracing information for debugging purposes.

RSPACK_PROFILE='TRACE=filter=oxc_resolver=trace&layer=logger' rspack build


rust-lldb can be used to get panic information from debug builds

rust-lldb -- node /path/to/rspack build

Once it launches, press r for running the program.

For example, examples/arco-pro crashes without any information before this fix:

rspack/examples/arco-pro ❯ node ../../packages/rspack-cli/bin/rspack build
Rspack ██████████████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 56% building ./pages/welcome
zsh: bus error  node ../../packages/rspack-cli/bin/rspack build

Using rust-lldb

rspack/examples/arco-pro ❯ rust-lldb -- node ../../packages/rspack-cli/bin/rspack build

Press r and it prints:

Process 23110 stopped
* thread #10, name = 'tokio-runtime-worker', stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=2, address=0x70000cc66560)
    frame #0: 0x0000000140d0db4b rspack.darwin-x64.node`swc_ecma_parser::parser::expr::ops::_$LT$impl$u20$swc_ecma_parser..parser..Parser$LT$I$GT$$GT$::parse_unary_expr::h29f49330a806839c(self=0x0000000000000000) at
   241 	    /// Parse unary expression and update expression.
   242 	    ///
   243 	    /// spec: 'UnaryExpression'
-> 244 	    pub(in crate::parser) fn parse_unary_expr(&mut self) -> PResult<Box<Expr>> {
   245 	        trace_cur!(self, parse_unary_expr);
   246 	        let start = cur_pos!(self);
Target 0: (node) stopped.