
Thank you for your interest in contributing to Rspack! There are many ways to contribute, and we appreciate all of them.

Sending a Pull Request

  1. Fork the Rspack repository into your own GitHub account.
  2. Clone the repository to your local.
  3. Checkout a new branch from main.
  4. Set up the development environment, you can read the "Setup Development Environment" section below to learn about it.
  5. If you've fixed a bug or added code that should be tested, then add some tests.
  6. Make sure all the tests pass, you can read the "Testing" section below to learn about it.
  7. Run pnpm run lint:js and pnpm run lint:rs to check the code style.
  8. If you've changed some Node.js packages, you should add a new changeset. Run pnpm run changeset, select the changed packages and add the changeset info.
  9. If you've changed some Rust packages, you should add a new changeset for @rspack/binding package.
  10. Submit the Pull Request, make sure all CI runs pass.
  11. The maintainers will review your Pull Request soon.

When submitting a Pull Request, please note the following:

  • Keep your PRs small enough, so that each PR only addresses a single issue or adds a single feature.
  • Please include an appropriate description in the PR, and link related issues.

Format of PR titles

The format of PR titles follow Conventional Commits.

A example

feat(ui): Add `Button` component
^    ^    ^
|    |    |__ Subject
|    |_______ Scope
|____________ Type

Your PR

  • must have a Type
  • Optionally have a Scope
    • Scope should be lower case
  • must have a Subject