Getting Started

We are grateful for your interest in contributing to Rspack! Every single contribution counts and helps us take Rspack to the next level.

Asking Questions

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask in either the Discord support channel or on the Github discussion board.

What should I work on?

Good First Issue

If you are looking to dive into the codebase and get started, we recommend checking out our issue list labeled with good first issue. This will help you get acquainted with the project and start contributing.

Tracking Issue

If you are interested in understanding our project's direction and want to work on issues that are aligned with our priorities, our tracking issues list provides an overview of our progress and current goals.

Other ways to contribute

We are always looking for contributors, and that goes beyond just our main repository. Check out these other ways to get involved and start making a difference today.

As a reminder, all contributors are expected to follow our Code of Conduct.